• +971558669711
  • info@sun-synergy.com

Residential Solar system

Why Go Solar?

Lower Electricity Bill

In spite of the promise of lower electricity bills, many homeowners have not installed solar on their homes because of the upfront expense. However, many financing options exist, such as no-money down equipment leases and a variety of loans, which can help homeowners go solar and save tens of thousands of dollars on their electricity bill during the lifetime of their solar systems.

Protection against rate hikes

With utility rates on the incline every year, solar becomes more and more attractive as solar is a fixed one-time cost. With solar, as utility rates increase so does your savings!

Net metering

Net metering allows is a billing mechanism that credits solar owners for the electricity they add to the grid. Power which they do not use spins the meter backwards; this power is used for nearby customer loads.

More than 40 years of total accumulated experience in solar energy.